Acoustical Testing Services
Acoustical Testing can provide valuable information for site development, sound isolation, noise build-up and more. These services can reduce risk during the design phase or provide quality assurance in post-construction. We have experience with a wide variety of acoustical testing, which may serve your project in the following ways:
-Conformance to ANSI/ISO Standards -Conformance to design specifications & applicable ordinances -Community planning -Performance verification for mock-ups of planned construction These lists represent a sample of typical testing services and are not comprehensive. Please do not hesitate to contact us about specialized testing. |
Testing within buildings is often to determine sound isolation between spaces or noise build-up within a space. Typical metrics tested includes: Sound Transmission Class (STC) Impact Isolation Class (IIC) Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) Speech Transmission Intelligibility (STI) Reverberation Time (RT) Noise Criterion (NC) Measurement of room acoustics parameters (ISO 3382) |
Testing outdoors is typically a site assessment for development, noise monitoring for ongoing noise (e.g, construction, underwater). or to assess noise from outdoor/rooftop mechanical equipment.Typical metrics tested and studies includes: Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Day-Night Level (DNL) Annoyance Studies Noise Maps |
Industrial testing is normally used to evaluate a facility for compliance to health and safety standards, and to plan for sound mitigation or worker sound exposure reduction. Testing of specific machines are performed to determine in situ conditions, identification of flaws or poor performance, and define solutions for sound/vibration abatement or repair of equipment. Industrial noise testing services include: Meeting OSHA and NIOSH regulations Meeting local codes or internal requirements Individual worker/workstation sound exposure Vibrational testing for flaws, balance, or isolation |